Situs Pasang Iklan Gratis Terbaik di Indonesia yang sudah teruji dan dikenal sehingga iklan Anda mudah ditemukan oleh calon pembeli. Pendekar Iklan dibangun untuk membantu mempromosikan barang/jasa Anda secara GRATIS selamanya...!!
PENTING..!!* Sebelum mendaftar dan memasang iklan baca terlebih dahulu menu [ SYARAT & KETENTUAN ] [ CARA DAFTAR ] [ CARA PASANG IKLAN ]* Agar iklan Anda lebih banyak yang melihat dan populer, optimasi iklan Anda. Cara optimasi iklan baca menu [TIPS OPTIMASI IKLAN]P Iklan ini diterbitkan pada: 30 July 2021 , Kategori: z Lain - Lain
Detail Produk Fusion Splicer INNO View 7
View 7, a core-alignment splicer with the world’ s highest fiber image magnification rate, is the most powerful and innovative fusion splicer in the market. View 7’ s 5 inch high-resolution color LCD touch screen with user-friendly intuitive GUI ( Graphic User Interface) offers large and clear fiber images to users. By double-tapping the screen, users can zoom in & out the image to the world’ s highest magnification of 520x. View 7 offers maximum work efficiency through the fast heating time of 13s and the ultra-high battery capacity of 355 splice/ heat cycles. Moreover, the 3 LED lights provide bright splice condition to the users working under dark environments.
View 7 offers the most reliable work experiences to our valuable customers.
FEATURES Fusion Splicer INNO View 7 :
Core Alignment Splicing Method with DACAS
( Digital Analysis Core Alignment System)
The World’ s Highest Magnification and Resolution
5” High-Resolution Color LCD Touch Screen
User-friendly Smart GUI
Double Tap to Zoom in & out
Fast Heating Time
Ultra-high Capacity Battery
Detachable SOC Holder and Heating Oven
3 Bright LEDs and Illuminated Keypads
For Dark Environment
Ceramic Clamp for Improved Durability
Easy to Replace Electrodes
Protective Cover
Harsh Weather Conditions Adaptability
2.17kg weight ( without battery).
Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :
Faisal Roni Zayini
HP : 081274087466 / 087721761438 / 081388031624
WA : 081274087466
Email :
Web :
Jl. Inpres 18, Komplek Sabar Ganda No.11 Tangerang Selatan
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